ProCell Therapies Training

Come learn about ProCell Therapies Microchanneling Treatment.

Microchanneling is used to treat acne scars, fine lines, photo aging, stretch marks, poor texture and is less aggressive than lasers with virtually nonexistent downtimes. It also improves the clinical health of your skin by stimulating a rejuvenation cascade that your body already has!


Not only for the face, this treatment can be done anywhere on the body that there's skin.

More Stimulation, less inflammation!! ProCell is safe on all skin types and has virtually no downtime. Join us for a LIVE training on this amazing treatment system!

** this training is intended as an introduction to Procell for professionals not currently providing the service.

Presented by


Kala Duncan

Kala’s passion for knowledge in the dynamic and ever changing beauty business coupled with her own personal knowledge and experience has led to her becoming one of the most sought after product development consultants in the aesthetic industry.


Through her strategic business experience, out of the box thinking and client centered philosophy Kala developed the signature VITAL System, a framework step by step guide for implementing new aesthetic technologies and services into existing related businesses.